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13 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Buy Business Instead of Building Business

Entrepreneurs who don’t want to go through the process of building a business from scratch usually opt to buy an already made business.

This is a group with the mindset of; “why build a business from scratch when I can buy a small business and grow it? Another group are those who asking “how do I sell a business?

Now why buy a business when you can build one? Below are 13 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Buy Businesses Instead Of Building a Business from Scratch:

  1. To Avoid the Risk Involved With Building a Business: Successful entrepreneurs who built great businesses from scratch definitely know the pain and sacrifice it took to achieve the feat. Most entrepreneurs shy away from the challenges of building a business from scratch and i bet you, it is not something you want to get involved with.
  2. To Increase Profit: An entrepreneur may buy a business to increase the cash flowing into his existing business.
  3. To Fulfill A Desire To Grow: When an entrepreneur feels there is a need to grow, buying a small business may be the next option.
  4. For Diversification Purposes: Buying a small business is another sure way of taking advantage of an opportunity in an industry entirely different from the one you are currently operating in.
  5. To Have a Value Driven Acquisition Strategy: Some companies adopt the acquisition strategy as their overall value driven plan. This is in a bid to increase the value of the company’s value or worth.
  6. To Buy up Competitors: Sometimes in business, threats are eliminated by strategic acquisition. A company that poses a potential threat can be bought to eliminate the threat.
  7. To Utilize Excess Capital: When a company is flushed with excessive cash or capital, buying up a small business might be the next option instead of building a business from scratch.
  8. To Gain New Distribution Channels: A business can be bought to increase and improve the buyer’s distribution channels so that products can reach customers in less time.
  9. To Gain New Management: An interesting way to bring a strong management team on board is by buying up the company where the mangers are employed.
  10. To Increase Shareholders Confidence: Acquisitions increases shareholders confidence because it shows the internal strength of the entire business.
  11. To Gain Access to New or Emerging Technologies: In the business world, it has been noted that 75% of upcoming technological innovations are brought in by small businesses. So acquiring such businesses puts you in control of their innovative technologies.
  12. To Strengthen the Company’s Balance Sheet: Buying businesses strengthens a company’s balance sheet. It shows the company has a strong growth plan and potential.
  13. To Increase Total Valuation of Your Assets: If you are confident that you can manage the acqusition well, Buying a business generates synergies that can increase the total valuation of your assets much more than what you paid immediately

Dr. Yavuz Selim Sılay

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*20 Inspiring Facts from Dr Yavuz Selim Sılay's Biography*

Yavuz Selim Sılay is a Physician Entrepreneur , certified clinical research professional society, Clinical Research Associate (CCRP) in 2004, recipient of Young Investigator Award at Baylor College of Medicine as fellow in 2001-2003

Yavuz was born in İstanbul. Lived during his childhood 7 years in Germany. Started his career and continued 14 years in USA, now lives since 2013 in Ankara , Turkey

Started his elementary school in Germany and completed in 2 countries 4 cities. Graduated from his primary education in Mithatpasa, Ilkokulu , Iskenderun, Hatay

Dr Yavuz signed off high school in 1993 at Iskenderun Anatolian Anatolian High School

Dr. Silay became a medical doctor after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ankara in 2000

Dr Yavuz Selim Sılay completed his clinical internship at Baylor college of medicine, Houston Texas.

Dr Yavuz Selim Sılay is married to Dr Kamile Sılay, An award winning medical scholar since 1997.

Dr Yavuz Selim has 3 beautiful kids , 2 girls and one boy

Dr Yavuz speaks multiple languages including English, German, Arabic & Turkish

Dr Yavuz Selim is a sportsman and have been selected into the Turkish Badminton Federation Health committee

Yavuz Selim is the managing partner of a television and radio network NTR TV broadcasting to 900 million in 42 countries via satellite in English and French and executive director of Tivi6 a Private National TV broadcasting to 84 million in Turkey

Dr. Silay previously managed Siemens healthcare's one of the largest distributor with 220 employees in Turkey.

Founded ICG ( İstanbul Consulting Group) in 2013 and Co-founded BioCube Istanbul a Bioentrepreneurship & Innovation Center in 2018.

Dr Silay Yavuz was the VP of IPSEN pharmaceutical & Director of TEVA pharmaceuticals & Associate Director of KV Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Physician at Forest Pharmaceutical

Dr Silay was a former AIFD Director for Market Access and Health policy in Turkey.

Dr. Sılay is active as a the board member of many NGO's such as WIHU ( World Islamic Health Union) ( http://www.wihu.org.tr/en/ ) , Sağlık- der( https://www.saglikder.org.tr ) , SADEFE ( https://www.sadefe.org )
and chartered the Turkey Chapter of SoPE ( Society of Physician Entrepreneur) in Turkey. (https://sopenet.org/chapter/turkey/ ) a Non-Profit global Biomedical & Healthcare Innovation Network based in Colorado, USA.

Dr Silay’s numerous research works are available in both Turkey, USA and global medical journals and libraries. He has 18 peer reviewed articles at pubmed and more than 200 abstracts & oral presentations around the world

Dr Silay is a pioneer in Halal Finance, Venture Capitalist and an Angel investor.Dr Yavuz Selim is a co-founder of MaQasid Angel Investment Network (MAIN) which is the first Interest Free Angel Investors Network in Turkey

Dr. Yavuz Selim Sılay is the co-founder of Ral Kitle Fonlama Platformu, Fonkolay , a crowdfunding platform newly established in 2021.

Interests are in Halal Finance , Health, Pharmaceutical, Bioentrepreneurship, MENA region technology innovations and as a venture architect launching viable Startups pose to become Scaleups

Among many investments one of them is PRP Pharmaceuticals, one of the startup companies within IAU BioCube Istanbul, received a seed investment from MAIN (Maqasid Angel Investment Network) with a valuation of 5 million TL.

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